Return to Football
The Ontario Government announced that, due to the provincial trends surrounding COVID-19 cases, Ontario will gradually begin reopening the province.
The Ontario Government has begun this reopening at 12:01am EST on Monday, January 31st, 2022 and it will consist of three stages.
The Reopening will take place over the course of three months.
The first stage began on January 31. During this stage, sporting events will be able to operate at 50 percent seated capacity or 500 people whichever is less. Non-spectator areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms can also operate at 50 percent capacity indoors at this time. The province announced that enhanced proof of vaccination, and other requirements would continue to apply in existing settings.
The second stage will begin on February 17, 2022. During this stage, spectator capacity at sporting events will be increased to 50 percent capacity with no maximum limit of 500. Capacity limits will be lifted in indoor public settings where proof of vaccination is required, such as non-spectator areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities. Capacity will remain limited in the remaining indoor public settings where proof of vaccination is not required to the number of people that can maintain two metres of physical distance Enhanced proof of vaccination, and other requirements would continue to apply in existing settings.
The third stage will begin on March 1, 2022. During this stage, capacity limits will be lifted on all indoor public settings. Proof of vaccination will no longer be required in existing settings at this time.
To view the Ontario Government’s full health measures CLICK HERE

We are currently working on gathering more information from the provincial government in order to ensure our members have all the necessary information available to them.
In preparation for the next transition in the COVID-19 pandemic organizations should refer to the Covid-19 Response Framework Modifications to develop/re-evaluate their Return to Football safety plans. As a requirement of the Ontario return to sport framework organizations must have their Return to Football safety plans completed and available by request of your regional health authorities. For additional resources on developing your safety plans please refer to the Ontario Workplace Safety – Safety Plan.
Please ensure your association has completed the following:
1. Completed and submitted your membership documentation for 2022: Member Form
2. Have a Return to Football safety plan completed and available to regional health authorities
3. Ensure registration of all participants in the Football Ontario member registry for 2022: Member Registry
Please note: Organizations must ensure these items are completed prior to starting any sport activities.
If your organization requires consultation or assistance in the development of your plan please email to set up a consultation.
Please Note:
Football Ontario and Football Canada are in constant communication with the Ontario Ministry to work towards gaining more information for our membership. We do encourage associations to communicate with their local health guidelines.
Football Ontario’s Return to Football resources are intended as a guideline for Football Ontario members to return to football in accordance with the Government of Ontario, Ontario Public Health, and Football Canada. Information provided in these resources are updated regularly as the COVID-19 pandemic is a fluid situation and can change daily. Members are encouraged to use these resources to find appropriate recommendations based on the Ontario COVID-19 response framework.
NOTE: Changes may occur to the above documents, waivers & forms without notice. Please contact of Football Ontario to ensure you have the most up-to-date documents, waviers, & forms.