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National Registry

2025 Coach Registration

Click on the correct form below to register:

Tackle Football Coach

Touch Football Coach

Flag Football Coach

2025 Volunteer Registration

Click on the correct form below to register:

Tackle Volunteer

Touch Volunteer

Flag Volunteer

2025 Officials Registration

Click on the correct form below to register:

Tackle Officials

Touch Officials

Flag Officials

What is the National Registry?

The National Registry is a mandate set forth by Football Canada for all participants to register with the National Sport Organization (NSO). All Football Ontario members and registered participants must also register with the NSO as do most other sports. Football Ontario has implemented their registration process with the National Registry to provide one point of registration for both the PSO and NSO.

Who needs to sign up?

The National Registry will be for all Players, Coaches, Volunteers, & Officials competing in Football Ontario sanctioned actives.

What form do I sign up to?

Players Registration – You must sign up here if you are a player. You are able to select Tackle, Touch, Flag, Senior, Grassroots, High Performance, or Cheer/Dance.

Coach Registration – You must sign up here if you are a coach. You are able to select Tackle, Touch, or Flag.

Volunteer Registration – This refers to all club volunteers. This includes but not limited to: Board Members & administrative positions. There is no cost to the volunteers or to their club to register but are still covered by our insurance program.

Officials Registration – This refers to all match officials. You may select Tackle, Touch, or Flag.

What information will be collected?

Full Name, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Email, Address, Gender, Designation (player, coach), Discipline (tackle, flag or touch), and Association. Players will also be required to agree to waivers from Football Canada and Football Ontario.

Can we (the association) request additional information be added to the registration form?

Yes the association can add additional information to the form by using the microsite as their online registration system for their association. This system is no charge for Football Ontario member clubs.

When do I register?

Players, Coaches, & Volunteers will need to sign up BEFORE they take part in any camp, clinic, practice, game or tryouts consisting of more than 2 practices.

Why am I registering?

With a National Registry, Football Ontario and Football Canada will now be able to communicate directly with players and parents, keeping them better informed. As well:

    • Coaches, Volunteers, Players & Parents will now receive information about upcoming events and what’s going on in the football community in Ontario.
    • Coaches, Volunteers, Players & Parents will be better educated on Football Ontario & Football Canada programming.
    • Players & Parents will have a better understanding of Football Ontario’s Insurance program and what’s covered.
    • Players registered will be eligible for Provincial & National Teams.
    • Associations will no longer have to collect this information and fees on behalf of the Football Ontario.


What are the 2025 Registration Fees?

Membership Pricing 2025
Membership Category Football Canada Membership Football Ontario  Membership Total Membership
League Fee $0 $500 $500
Association Fee $0 $100 $100
Associate Membership $1,500 $1,500
Cheer/Dance $15 $8 $22.50 Decrease of $12.50 Pre-COVID
Grassroots Tackle Player Fee(8 – 9 year olds) $15 $10 $25 Decrease of $29 Pre-COVID
Flag Player Fee $15 $8 $22.50 Decrease of $12.50 Pre-COVID
Touch Player Fee $10 $8 $18
Contact Player Fee $15 $27 $42 Decrease of $12 Pre-COVID
High Performance Player Fee $14 $14 NEW
Senior Tackle $15 $15 $30 NEW
Coach Fee $15 $0 $15 Decrease of $10 Pre-COVID
Officials Fee $15 $5 $20 NEW
Note: Membership will be charged on a per discipline bases as per Football Canada Policy beginning Jan 1/2022        


If you have any questions about the National Registry you may contact the Football Ontario office via phone 1 888 313 9419 or email to