Coaches E-Learning
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) has workshops for all types of coaches – whether you’re thinking about coaching your child’s community team or you’re already the head coach of a national team. Watch the video above and discover how NCCP gives you the tools to succeed, both in coaching and in life.
Coaching Athletes with a Disability is a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) eLearning module that provides coaches the knowledge to deliver quality, positive sport experiences for athletes, specifically with behavioural, intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities.
Coaching Athletes with a Disability NCCP training will provide coaches the ability to:
- Explain the benefits of sport participation for persons with a disability;
- Communicate effectively and respectfully with, and regards to, persons with a disability;
- Design positive, safe, and inclusive sport experiences for persons with a disability; and
- Consider next steps in their professional development related to coaching persons with a disability.
You should expect to spend 45-60 minutes completing the module.
To complete the training, click here.
The NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport module introduces new or experienced coaches to the foundational skills of coaching, such as long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. It also teaches the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP.
The CAC is proud to present this module in partnership with Decathlon Canada, a retailer and creator of sports gear, apparel and experiences. This partnership will empower coaches with knowledge and skills to enhance the experience of all participants in sport. Learn more about the partnership here.
NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport is a valuable resource for:
- Parents who are new to coaching
- New coaches
- Experienced coaches new to the NCCP
- Athletes transitioning to coaching
- Experienced NCCP coaches who need professional development, or a refresh on the fundamental principles of the NCCP
- Sport administrators who work with the NCCP and coach development
For only $15, this excellent informational resource will take approximately one hour to complete. If you have a promo code for this module, you can redeem it in the payment step for the module.
To complete the training, click here.
This NCCP eLearning activity on creating and using an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) prepares coaches to respond calmly, quickly and effectively if a sport participant is seriously injured during practice or competition.
After completing this activity, coaches will be able to:
- Describe the importance of having an EAP
- Identify when to activate the EAP
- Explain the responsibilities of the charge person and call person when the EAP is activated
- Create a detailed EAP that includes all required information for responding to an emergency
Coaches will also have access to a downloadable EAP template to use for any practice or competition location.
Coaches who are maintaining their trained or certified status will receive 1 Professional Development (PD) point upon completing this eLearning activity. Completion of the NCCP Emergency Action Plan eLearning activity is required as part of the NCCP Planning a Practice module.
This eLearning activity will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the NCCP Emergency Action Plan eLearning activity, the credit will appear on your coach transcript.
To complete the training, click here.
Making Headway in Football will provide all coaches with concussion awareness training. This online module takes only 60-90 minutes to complete and is FREE of charge. Making Headway in Football is a online clinic that is required for all coaches and should be completed before Safe Contact training.
To complete the training, click here.
Safe, inclusive sport environments help make sport rewarding and enriching for all. By completing Safe Sport Training you will gain the knowledge and skills to create healthy and safe environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.
After completing Safe Sport Training you will be able to:
- Understand that everyone has a role to play in keeping sport safe, how the misuse of power leads to maltreatment, and the principles of the Universal Code of Conduct.
- Understand the various types of maltreatment, the conditions that enable them, and how to recognize signs that they may be happening.
- Know what to do if you suspect maltreatment, and how you can create a culture that protects all participants. As of April 1, 2020, all Sport Canada – funded organizations are required to have training in abuse and harassment available to everyone under their immediate authority. Please identify the role for which you’ve been requested to completed this training. Your selection will trigger the appropriate version of the training.
As of April 1, 2020, all Sport Canada – funded organizations are required to have training in abuse and harassment available to everyone under their immediate authority. Please identify the role for which you’ve been requested to completed this training. Your selection will trigger the appropriate version of the training.
To complete the training, click here.
Good nutrition is important for both athletic performance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of sport. By helping their participants make good nutrition choices, coaches not only empower them to perform their best, they help them to establish positive dietary habits that can last a lifetime.
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Sport Nutrition module provides coaches with education about basic sport nutrition principles. This eLearning module will provide an understanding of how to support athletes and their parents or caregivers to make effective nutrition choices.
After completing NCCP Sport Nutrition, coaches will be able to:
- Explain the basic nutritional needs of an athlete.
- Take appropriate measures to ensure that athletes stay hydrated during exercise.
- Educate athletes on the use of nutritional supplements and sports drinks.
- Encourage a positive body image in athletes.
- Identify the different types of disordered eating.
- Support athletes with special nutritional needs.
- Identify common food allergies and intolerances.
- Provide accurate guidance to athletes and their parents or caregivers on nutrition before, during and after exercise.
- Provide accurate nutritional guidance to athletes and their parents or caregivers before and during travel.
Coaches who are maintaining their trained or certified status will receive 5 Professional Development (PD) points upon completing this eLearning module. This module may also be required as part of a coach training or certification pathway for sports.
To complete the training, click here.
Mental Health in Sport
Mental health impacts the quality of life and performance of both sport participants and coaches. The Coaching Association of Canada’s Mental Health in Sport eLearning module was developed to educate coaches about mental health to empower them to effectively play a role in supporting the well-being of the participants in their program while also supporting their own mental health.
Sport is linked to a range of positive outcomes, including mental health and well-being. Coaches have a great deal of influence over participants’ mental health.
After completing the Mental Health in Sport eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Describe the foundations of mental health
- Recognize and understand your role in promoting coach and participant well-being
- Understand the importance of self-care
Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP trained or certified status will receive 1 Professional Development (PD) point upon completing this module.
To complete the training, click here.